Friday, July 30, 2010

Thai Chimichangas

I was in a "let's mix up cultures for dinner" mode and decided to mix some of my two favorite: Chinese and Mexican. After all is said and done, I know this basically isn't mind-blowing original, but it sure was yummy!

And yes, I know my food photography is right up there with Martha Stewart Magazine and Adrian Parkinson, so don't be jealous (my secret: a cell phone camera. Amazing).

Thai Chimichangas With Peanut Sauce
Makes 7 (so figure out your own proportions)
2 breasts boneless chicken, cubed and cooked
1 zucchini shredded
2 carrots shredded or sliced
1 bell pepper sliced
Green Onions or Half a yellow onion
1/2 c. cilantro (I didn't have cilantro tonight, but I'm sure it would taste fabulous)
Flour Tortillas

Peanut Sauce (this I can't take credit for, I found it on Food Network)
1/4 cup Peanut butter
2 Tbp. Soy Sauce
2 Tbp. Oil
1 Tbp. Rice Vinegar
1 Tbp. Sesame Seeds
Sprinkle of Basil and Curry and whatever else fancies you

Sauté veggies (except cilantro). You can either mix the chicken with the veggies, or if you're anal, you can separate them, just make sure the peanut sauce gets on everything. Including your lips. Place in flour tortilla, fold like a chimichanga, and either deep fry or do what I did and place a thin layer of oil on your pan and just brown the chimichanga. Serve with rice and fortune cookies.

Some other thai flavors that would be good in it: shredded coconut, lemon grass, dog.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

LOL, glad to know I am up there with Martha ;) This sounds delish! I will save the recipe and give it a try.