Wednesday, December 15, 2010

You Look Like You Need A Laugh

Over the course of decades, nay, days, I have diligently been searching to find things to make you, yes you, smile. I'm sure sometimes you think "why does she directly talk to me when she's really talking to anyone who reads this dumb thing?" It's because I know you. I know you'd never say something like that. This Christmas, I wanted to give you something. It'll probably grow (like those sponge men you put in water that expand 300% more) as I think of more. Here is a list of places to go to when you need a laugh/want to feel good about yourself. I'm sure you've heard of most, but it's always good to be reminded.

Cake Wrecks
Featuring real cakes in real bakeries that have gone real wrong.

Catalog Living
I already promoted them, but I'll do it again

Foxy Blunt
When Hallmark doesn't send the very best.

This site reminds me of someone I know (none of you, unless it is you, which if it is, then I find it interesting you're reading my blog...)

People of Walmart
Perhaps save this site for the special occasion when you feel you dressed in the dark. Unless dressing in the dark isn't a special occasion for you.

Engrish Funny
You know you wish they made signs like that in America (then again, maybe they do)

Awkward Family Photos
It's so funny because it hits so close to home

Chuck Norris Jokes
Chuck Norris doesn't blog. Blogs Chuck Norris.

And you thought graphs and pie charts were boring.

The Onion
Don't let the news get you down.

Not the coolest shop name, but some very clever shirts.

Fred Products
Because a giving a toaster gets boring after awhile

YouTube Videos (obviously too many to really list, but here's some of my favorite)

Anything with Remi Gaillard in it. He's like the crazy cousin that no one likes to admit being related to, but secretly every one wishes they had his guts.

Literal Video of Total Eclipse of My Heart
It gets me every time.

Kittens Inspired By Kittens
"No You're Not!"

Favorite Funny TV shows:

Oh Shaun and Gus how I want to be your friend

This is quirky and sci-fi. Maybe I'm a closet sci-fi-er. Get over it.

Raising Hope
New this season, it helps us understand our 2nd cousins, the white trash folk.

The Office
Well duh

Books (Man, I really need to keep my GoodReads up to date. I forget everything)

Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde

Lemony Snicket
Can I please be this person when I grow up? Make sure to read the other books besides just Unfortunate Events. If you haven't yet, well, that's unfortunate.

Snow White and the Seven Doors
Okay, you can't actually see this book, because I wrote it in 3rd grade, but give props to a third grade genius for that punny title/ensuing story line. I even drew pictures of seven doors.

Sierra St. James
She's a Mormon author, and I've only read like two of her books, but they were pretty funny. Remember those, Adrian?

It really is a shame I can't think of more funny books right now. Then again, I was into die-hard mysteries for the most part (you thought I was going to say die-hard romance. Well I didn't). And if they're written well, mysteries aren't usually very funny; unless they're written poorly, then they're hilarious.

Seriously, this list should keep you laughing for hours (clicking on the links and exploring, of course). I'm so generous for creating it (and unfortunately I will now be an insomniac tonight as my brain gets blitzed with more funny stuff. I know, you're thinking it's not possible for me not to be able to fall asleep, but sometimes, it's true. Maybe I'll fall asleep laughing. Or start floating like the man on Mary Poppins. "A wooden leg named Smith...") Send some Christmas love this way and tell me places you go to make you laugh. Besides this site (because that would be trying to get brownie points on your behalf, and we just can't have that).

1 comment:

Alyson Samantha said...

This list could also be called "What do to besides homework"