Yes, I copied and pasted from Facebook. But because some of you don't visit it, or have even deleted it off so that people couldn't google you, for your viewing pleasure I've included it here.
1. This is not a random list, because let's face it, I was born random. Good news is my parents knew they were having me. Bad news, they weren't told it would be random.
2. I hold a ham radio license. My call sign is KG6CCF. That would be said "Kilo Golf 6 Charlie Charlie Foxtrot." I have not used a ham radio in over 8 years. Good thing it doesn't spoil in the fridge like regular ham.
3. For those of you who know of my sleeping phenomenons, here is another. I was taking a nap at home alone while I was in high school. There was a knock on the door that woke me up. I answered. It was a man selling milk. He would come by once a week and leave how many ever gallons of milk on your door. Kind of like the old days. He asked if I was the woman of the house. Seeing how I was alone, I said I was, because technically I was. He asked me how many gallons I thought I would need, and I told him there were 8 in my family. He said "6 children?" I nodded. His eyes got big in amazement and then said "let me shake the hand of the woman who has had 6 children and still looks so young and good." I didn't deny it. Now I did end up signing my mom's signature saying I wanted 4 gallons of milk, I think twice a week. Needless to say, my parents weren't happy when at 5am Monday morning 4 gallons of milk were left on the doorstep. And that is why I blame my sleeping. I was in no state to make lucid decisions regardeing milk. And to this day, I never make decisions about milk when I just wake up. Sheesh- this should have counted as 5 elissa things.
4. I somewhat enjoy watching Hannah Montana. Don't tell her evil twin Hannah Nevada.
5. I once tried to make raisins out of grapes by standing outside on a hot day holding a plate of grapes towards the sunlight. I got bored and never fufilled the mission.
6. Both my parents have brown hair, so when I came out the milk man was questioned.(*Apparently 'the milk man' would come back into my life. See item #3.) Guess you could say it was a random act of God. (See 'random' in item #1).
7. When I was 10 we moved to a bigger house with a 1/2 acre backyard. In southern California that is considered horse property. I begged my parents for a horse. I got one for Christmas.
8. The horse I got for Christmas in item #7 was plastic.
9. I was devastated the Christmas in items #7 and #8.
10. Because my birthday is after school gets out in June, I never got "kidnapped" by my friends. This includes being dressed up in mismatched clothes and having wacky makeup applied in not so beautiful patterns. Being the jealous being I am, I kidnapped myself on the last day of my freshman year and did the above kidnapping routine. This was not a random kidnapping.
11. I was once 11. But only for a year.
12. I was kissed by a boy in kindergarten. His lips were cursed by an evil witch as no other lips have been upon mine. Except my family. Even evil witches can't control that.
13. When I was in fourth grade I wanted to become an archeologist. That idea went extinct.
14. I once attempted to make pumpkin fudge and due to unforseen measures there was a chemical reaction that made the fudge so hard we had fun karate chopping it afterwards. There were only minor injuries.
15. I've had a CAT scan. It was not (as many of you are thinking) of my head, although the machine did have a quaint purring to it. Entirely intriguing.
16. When it is pitch black outside I walk rather tenatively for fear that my foot might become encased in unknown substances leading to an untimely death which would be far from random. So I guess that would be considered farrandomed.
17. In the 7th grade I watched an episode of X-files where some crazy with long fingers came through people's vents and ate their liver then hung them on the wall. Ever since I have been terrified of vents and case out the vents of any given building I enter.
18. Many of you know I served a mission in Georgia. Many of you also know I have a rather random obbsession with alligators. Many of you don't know I smuggled one home. His name was Alpert. He didn't survive the flight. He was (as I later found out) allergic to peanuts.
19. I have a dog named Captain Jack Sparrow. Only occasionally does he bring in wenches from the island bars.
20. I have forseen the future. It said I would finish this blasted thing.
21. Instead of telling a woman to have a nice day, I invited her to have a nice day. I invite you to do the same. Please RSVP beforehand though.
22. I lived on an island off the coast of Seattle where we had our own private beach. I never saw Jeff Probst.
23. I have taken up quilting. My loan shark said it's not very profitable. I beg to differ. And when I'm with him, I really do beg.
24. I fell asleep (wait, I'm getting to the good part) once while singing a hymn in church. But we were standing up. So I literally fell asleep. Right back onto the bench.
25. My sister wants to use the computer right now. What's abnormal is that she isn't bowing down to me. When will she learn?
26. My little brother thinks that Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford are having a love affair. According to him, a mountain man named Jim Bridger carries a picture of the two of them in bikinis slapping each other's butts. My little brother is not related to me.
27. I decided to do a #27, just so my mother could say "I thought it was only 26."