Friday, July 30, 2010

Thai Chimichangas

I was in a "let's mix up cultures for dinner" mode and decided to mix some of my two favorite: Chinese and Mexican. After all is said and done, I know this basically isn't mind-blowing original, but it sure was yummy!

And yes, I know my food photography is right up there with Martha Stewart Magazine and Adrian Parkinson, so don't be jealous (my secret: a cell phone camera. Amazing).

Thai Chimichangas With Peanut Sauce
Makes 7 (so figure out your own proportions)
2 breasts boneless chicken, cubed and cooked
1 zucchini shredded
2 carrots shredded or sliced
1 bell pepper sliced
Green Onions or Half a yellow onion
1/2 c. cilantro (I didn't have cilantro tonight, but I'm sure it would taste fabulous)
Flour Tortillas

Peanut Sauce (this I can't take credit for, I found it on Food Network)
1/4 cup Peanut butter
2 Tbp. Soy Sauce
2 Tbp. Oil
1 Tbp. Rice Vinegar
1 Tbp. Sesame Seeds
Sprinkle of Basil and Curry and whatever else fancies you

Sauté veggies (except cilantro). You can either mix the chicken with the veggies, or if you're anal, you can separate them, just make sure the peanut sauce gets on everything. Including your lips. Place in flour tortilla, fold like a chimichanga, and either deep fry or do what I did and place a thin layer of oil on your pan and just brown the chimichanga. Serve with rice and fortune cookies.

Some other thai flavors that would be good in it: shredded coconut, lemon grass, dog.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paint the Room Red

My younger sister has never had her room decorated just for her. She moved into my brother's room which looks like this:

(That's her by the way, my sister). She decided to paint her room red. Farmhouse Red to be exact (that was the name of the color swatch from Home Depot). But she also wanted a design of vines of some sorts on one of the walls. We looked at vinyl decals until she found the one she wanted, then I proceeded to paint it on the wall.

True to my form, I couldn't follow the design exactly (same thing happens when following recipes, I just can't do it. I'm a rebel), and free spirited my way across her wall. Twelve hours later:

Obviously, this is not the whole wall, but most of it. I'm too lazy to take more pics. And if you're thinking, wow, I wish Elissa would come paint something on my wall, yes I will. Right now, I will paint for money. Or bake. Or dance. Okay, maybe not dance for money, but I would do the hokey poky for money. Creepers.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Recession is NOT like Recess

Hello my fellow cyber buddies. I know, it's been awhile. That would be called going on a 10 day vacation (to Missouri and Nauvoo), coming home and looking for a job and catching a nasty cold (actually, I think it caught me). Through all of this I have decided that even though the word recess is in the word recession, there are hardly any similarities.

My head is congested and I'm so hopeless on the job hunt that I can't even think of witty things to say about the subject. So instead I'll just post pictures from our trip.

Look, I'm the Sting song "Among the fields of Gold" or is it fields of Barley?...

Fathers with little hair on the top of their head make for great places to put frogs. Without them knowing, of course.

Forget the fact that my brother isn't a real farmer, this is a real old tractor.

Yes, that is me driving a tractor. No, that is not a 9 year old teaching me how to drive it. Er, okay, maybe it is.
No, I will not get on that wagon. Especially with all those happy people. Boo to them.

This picture does make me happy. Too bad it can't also find me a job.

Tanner ate some weird stuff that made him look freakish. I think it was frog legs.

Of course we can't forget the Nauvoo temple. I know, the angel Moroni got cut off. Don't judge me.

And finally, my rainbow family. We really didn't even try to coordinate, that is what makes it even funnier. Then there's the black rain cloud, Trenton. Just glad we don't have to live in a log cabin, or I'd be crazier than I already am.

In other news, somebody fell in love with me via my blog and started leaving comments like passionate romance letters. But it was written in some sort of code, the words Cialis and Viagra coming up often. So to make this mysterious lover work harder, I changed my settings so that if you want to comment, you'll have to type the word you see. Let me know if it doesn't work, and I see what face I can punch in to make it work.

Happy Tuesday.