Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh what do you do in the winter time?

Up here in Rexburg many people complain that there ain't much fun to be had in the winter time. I disagree. One of my favorite activities is to grow my own icicles.

This here is Betsy May. Here's how you make your own Betsy May: take a cup of water and slowly drip it on metal railing. Mind you, the temperature has to be below freezing for this fun outdoor activity to work. Watch as the water drips, then stops dripping because it has frozen. Wait a minute and repeat again. 

Proceed to threaten anyone and everyone that if they mess with your birthed icicle, you will cut them like a heifer at a slaughter house. Such vivid imagery, but you need to get it through their heads. Curse the day that it gets warmer than freezing and your baby melts away like Frosty and the Wicked Witch. They both had magical hats. But one didn’t stop when the officer hollered “halt,” she turned him into a flying monkey. Wait until another cold day and begin again. With some luck, your icicle will be bigger than a goldilocks chia pet. 

See, how much fun can be had. Except losers like my 11 year old brother who live in such warm climates that you can't make icicles. Too bad for him.


ammunk said...

Honestly Elissa, Tanner is always hot! It is no fair! I hope you remember that next time...

Alyson Samantha said...

I don't know how you come up with these things.