Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh Halloween

Why is it that Halloween is just another excuse to be raunchy? Look at this clean costume above. Granted, I can't tell if it's a dog or a human inside (which wouldn't it be AWESOME if a human were in there) but look how clean and true to nature this is. Granted number two, I happen to love alligators. Ward party Monday night sprung up on me, and yes, we're supposed to dress up. The question is -- what as? To think that I, Elissa Stewart would have a hard time figuring out what to be. It's true. What can I say, I just like Halloween for the candy. Maybe I should just dress up as a pig. 


Molly said...

Um, I love that alligator costume. It is awesome.

Alyson Samantha said...

1. At least your ward is having a Halloween party!
2. I don't know what I'll be either.
3. What happens when the dog poops?

ammunk said...

I feel #3 is valid