Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bubble heads

We've all heard of bobble heads, well up here in the Burg there are some people who are bubble heads. The reason why they are called this is because they live in a bubble. Or they did before they came up; and it really irks them when someone tries to pop their bubble. Example (and this is a true story):

A girl goes over to a guys' apartment. She then preceedes to take off her shoes, then puts her bare feet on the coffee table (but no coffee, that's just what it's called). One of the roommates then says "I'm feeling very uncomfortable right now. I'm pretty sure that it's against the honor code for people to take off their shoes in the presence of the opposite sex." His roommates assure him that it is not against the honor code, but this bubble head is adament that this girl is breaking the rules and agains states his feelings of outisde-the-bubble-queasiness.

Now I've heard that it is against the law in China for a man to see his neighbor's wife with bare feet (and heck, that could have been 100 years ago, for all I know). And there are some interesting honor code rules that we abide by here on this campus. And some interesting laws in Rexburg (it is against the law to throw snowballs. Really? We live on the island of misfit cold and all fun has to be frozen away?). But. There is no such rule here at BYUI, or Rexburg, that says you can't show your feet to the opposite sex. I suppose that if your intentions include breaking the law of chastity that you shouldn't even take off your shoes. It may be your only link to reality. And unshaved legs.

So to all the bubble heads out there- good luck in life. I hope you never have to meet with a client from China during winter without a snowball.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Caution to Prude Readers

I realized that Sept is soon departing, and I figured that if I want to beat my June record of 13 blogs I better get my butt into gear. So this post fufills many purposes. One of which may or may not be the fact that I'm avoiding homework.

Tonight was the Relief Society General Broadcast. I was exhausted (thinking I may have Rexburg flu- strand known as HE11...partially joking). Are we putting two and two together? I decided to watch it from my own apartment, because I usually do better at paying attention that way (75% of my battle is lost when the church finds it necessary to turn off the lights in many of their venues). I barely heard the first opening choir number. It was touch and go from there.

As most of you know, I proceeded to make comments; sometimes slightly aware of what I was saying, other times not at all.The following story may be somewhat offensive, just remember I cannot be held accountable for what happens when I'm sleeping. Like buying milk (whole other story). And it was told to me by my roommate, who could have been making it up. But I sadly doubt it.

The second to last speaker, Sis Thompson ( I think that's her name- I was asleep, remember?) was apparently talking about how she was still single and had never been married. And right there from the comfort of my apartment living room I told her out loud in my sleep deprived state...  "no testicles." 

Yes, you read that right. I just put it in smaller text to lessen the damage it may have on your pysche. What did I mean of this? I have no idea. My roommate said she almost peed her pants. Yes, folks, I don't get embarrassed too easily, but I must say I'm embarrassed. Or maybe more ashamed then embarrassed. Please don't judge me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This Title is Really Small

Dear Elissa Gator,
I have been with my roommates for exactly one and a half weeks. I thought we got along okay, but then they went and short sheeted my bed. Can we say rude? I was so mad. Touching my stuff, getting all over the place where I slumber- seriously, who does that? And you know what they did? Just laughed. And laughed. Now I'm somewhat paranoid and keep remaking my bed for fear of them having messed something up. Can you publicly let them know how wrong it is to do something that mean? -Shorter Sheets Sally

Sheet Face,
I hear your pain. Actually, no I don't. I just wanted you for a second to feel like the cosmos cared about your pathetic problem. Let me get this straight- your roommates loved you so much that they went and pulled a harmless prank on you as a form of bonding and you in turn rejected their form of love language? Do you even understand the language of love? It's supposedly Latin. But Latin is dead. Don't let your friendship die because you aren't able to translate. I've spent many years studying love languages. The most important thing that I learned from my time with the monks of south LA is that sometimes when you least expect it... love happens. Or in your case you get short sheeted. But don't ever expect Jennifer Anniston or Aaron Eckhart to short sheet you (not even if you're least expecting it). What I'm trying to say is, maybe you should try sleeping in a short sheeted bed before you judge someone. You're welcome.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wait For It

Dear Elissa Gator,
I really like this girl. She sits in front of me in my class. I love smelling her hair. I love when she turns around to see what time it is and I get a chance to see her smile. I love hearing her answer questions. I think she just may be the one, but I'm kind of a shy guy. What am I supposed to do? Remember, I really like her and don't want to mess this up. -Lovestruck Larry

Great. You like a girl. Here's what you need to do: nothing. You sound like you have stalker potential. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're a stalker (okay, so I'm being nice), but the whole "I love putting my nostril near her scalp to smell a shampoo that I could just as easily buy-" it just has creepy written all over it. Do society a favor and ask out a girl that you find unattractive, repulsive even. I'm serious. You'll then have an easier time not obessing over her; you won't be on Facebook 24:7 seeing what new quiz she's taken; you'll for sure never stand outside her window waiting for a glimpse of her; and finally you'll never get that eyes glazed over look that is so unfortunate when people think they've found "love". When you propose to this hideous girl because that's the only way she'll stop stalking you, you can send me a wedding announcement. You're welcome.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


And you thought your 6th grade photo was bad:
This website will give you a good laugh when you most need it. Or when you don't need it, but really, who doesn't need a good laugh at any given time?

On a side note- sorry to those of you who have tried to comment. It has been brought to my attention that my blog is being dumb. (No surprise there). It does make me feel good to know that I haven't been forgotten. I'm working on the problems. It's possible I'll just make a new blog, but of course I'll let you know if that happens.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

More Advice

Dear ElissaGator,
Sometimes, I hate this one person. I mean really hate. I know we shouldn't hate, but it seems like there should be an exception to the rule. Is there such an exception? Have you ever hated someone? -Hateful Hiedi

Every so often a letter comes along that I have to agree with. There is an exception to the rule. That exception is that you can hate arm pits. Think about it, besides connecting your arm to your chest, what other redeeming qualities do they have? If you're a girl, you have to shave them. And just like how the cat came back the very next day, so does pit hair. If you're a boy, they're just micro storage bins for sweat and who knows what else.

They smell, they produce awful amounts of foul body fluid, and who looks good with their arms raised over their head showing the world the arm wasteland? Okay, maybe Michelle Obama, but we're obviously not going to reach her status. And when you're in a forsaken place with one gas station and one bathroom stall that has more profiles than eHarmony,  what do you call it? The pits. I'm glad I was able to help. Now I have to go earn money for laser hair removal.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Advice for the advice-less

Dear ElissaGator,
I just got up to school in a small town in the state OHADI* (names have been changed). I'll be graduating in two semesters but am just having such a hard time wanting to get into the whole school thing again. What should I do? -Apathetic Ann

You sound like a loser. You obviously don't want to get into the whole school thing again because you probably have some sort of skin disease that makes people think they are seeing MJ's ghost walking. My advice to you would be to find a nice armadillo breeding farm and work as a sanitation officer there for the rest of your life. It's possible you'll find happiness. If not, maybe another syndicated help columnist can help, but I seriously doubt it. Good luck, not that you'll get any.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's missing?

Here's a mind game. Look at the picture. Find out what's missing. Then pity me. Seriously, someone pity me for something. I just got to Rexburg and am for the most part happy, I just am in need of a couple of pity points. Please don't send pitas. Trying to cut down on the wheat intake.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I made it up myself

If you haven’t been able to deduce, it just so happens to be 1 am Sunday night but really Monday morning. I know. You’re thinking how jealous you are. I don’t want to make you jealous and therefore sin, it’s just a byproduct of who I am. Not byproduct like gas. That wouldn’t be so flattuencing. I mean flattering.
I was just about to type “when was the last time you had to pee in a cup” because it made me laugh because I saw this yellow cup sitting by me but then thought better of it and decided not to type it. Boy, sorry for the potty humor. It must be because I’ve been around my cousins’ kids all week and they’re young and in that potty stage. Which in reality I guess we all are. Until we die.
A couple of months ago I wanted to see if anyone would add me as a friend on facebook, so I looked up a random girl from Lehi or something who was still in highschool and requested to be her friend. She said yes. I can’t decide if that makes me feel better about myself or not. I haven’t written on her wall yet though. Maybe I should. Maybe that will make her feel better about herself.
I’m a little out of it. I should go to bed, but I took a late nap. Only because I didn’t have a nap during Sacrament meeting. Only because I went to my cousin’s baby’s blessing in a ward with 300 primary kids. Yep. Needless to say the energy in the room helped me stay awake. Maybe that’s what I need each week. To feed off the energy of others, especially little kids, like that Disney movie with Bette Midler “Hocus Pocus”. Needless to say there’s not as much type of energy in a single’s ward sacrament meeting. On an energetic side note, when the dad held up the baby to the congregation, his two younger daughters stood on the pew (not phew as in gross) and started clapping.  But needless to say once again that their clapping noises were engulfed by the sounds of the future leaders of Zion.
If you say needless to say is that some sort of cosmic point against you?
I think the other fact is that my brain may have slightly atrophied this past month or so. I just don't get near enough attention from people and because I'm not in school I have nothing to ruminate on. It must be true, I do feed off of other people. I should really consider that when I start eating cheese or some other lactose filled item. What if the people I’m feeding off of have just had a dairy snack? Will that induce a stomach ache? Oh, I just had another crazy thought that I’ll allude to without saying “what if I actually feed from people?” I’m glad that I don’t type basically whatever comes to mind. I mean I’m not Harry Potter. He wasn’t a cannibal, was he?
Sorry for the widows. What can I say, I’m a killer of complete lines of text. Does that mean I’m a textual predator?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some Sunday Saunterings

I've decided I'm lactose intolerant. Does that make me stop eating ice cream? Not in particular. When I was younger I thought it was "lactose and tolerant". Which it obviously isn't.

Why is it that aliens usually look like a cross between insects,spiders, fish and human? Why don't they ever look like bambi? And they also usually have big eyes. I guess that's supposed to imply that the bigger the eyes the better you see the whole picture and then the better you see the whole universe. In which you can then attack it. I haven't even seen any alien movies lately. Okay, not entirely true, I did watch the end of Chicken Little.

If you blog in an empty forest, does anyone read it? Assuming you get WiFi.

What happens when I can't think of anymore profound things to say? Is anyone even reading this? Hello?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

As they say in the South- I'm AGGRAVATED!

You would think that with me having had created a website and being somewhat knowledgeable in computers I would know how to fix this dumb problem, but I don't. It's my title posts. They're underlined and I hate them. They're ugly. And I tried the font and color settings, but for some reason it won't change a darn thing. Help me. Show me.

Austen could be rolling in her grave, or maybe walking...

"A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages; she must be well trained in the fighting styles of the Kyoto masters and moderns tactics of weaponry of Europe." -Mr. Darcy

Well said, Mr. Darcy. Obviously, if you know anything, you know Mr. Darcy comes from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. And if you know more than anything, you'll know that this quote seems a bit off. That would be because this is from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The same classic story, but besides fighting the social atrocities of pride and prejudices, the Bennet girls and all of England must also fight Zombies who roam the land waiting to eat living flesh.

I've only just begun, and I dare say I might have been a little scared going to bed last night. Not for the Zombie aspect, but because I just don't know if Mr. Darcy will ever come around. That's not true either. I actually read the first version in High School, and am not ashamed of saying that I've seen the A&E 6 hour version, the Mormon version, and the latest version staring Keira Knightly (Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy.).

Bascially, I love it. Highly recommend it. Especially if you want to read about modest 1800 Englishwomen forming (as Mr. Bennet so lovingly puts it) "the pentagram of death" (in which they then slay their way through zombies that crashed the first ball of the novel).

And now I must go study the Kyoto masters, so I too can be considered a well rounded woman and someone like Mr. Darcy will want to marry me.