Saturday, March 26, 2011

It Can Kill You

My mom, Audrey and I were talking about carbon monoxide. Audrey asked what exactly it was, and we said it was an odorless, tasteless gas that had the potential to kill you. Audrey asked if you died a horrible death and we said no, it usually made people really sleepy and they would drift away into death (this is from what I remembered from watching that 911 Emergency show, did you ever watch it?). I then said "yep, I'm pretty sure I've been breathing in large quantities my whole life; hence why I'm so sleepy all the time."

You know, now that I type it, it's not nearly as funny. But I felt compelled to tell you. Speaking of that 911 Emergency show, II watched an episode as a kid of this boy who got his jacket stuck in the escalator and was almost crushed to death by the menacing steps of death. I hate escalators to this day. I was a very impressionable child. Due to TV, I also have an unhealthy fear of vents, killer bees and good looking men.


Tyson and Jacquelin said...

I also watched that 911 escalator episode!!!!! I am not afraid of them but I always think about that show whenever I am on one!

Courtney said...

This post really explains a lot.

Alyson Samantha said...

What Courtney said. Also...does this mean you prefer ugly men?? Because wow, there sure are a plethora of them out there...