Dear ElissaGator,
What is the proper etiquette for chain letter like facebook statuses? I want to be cool, but sometimes I don't feel comfortable re-posting some of them.
- Friendly Fred
Thank you so much for being brave enough to ask about this obnoxious practice so that I could show people the stupidity of their ways without making them look like out right idiots. For those readers just tuning in, or if you're half deaf and don't have a facebook page, chain letter statuses go something like this:
Because of you, my life is what it is today. Thank you so much, I might have to cry just typing this. Post this if you believe you have wonderful parents/grandparents/boyfriend/girlfriend/sibling/friend/pet iguana. Only people who truly love their parents/grandparents/boyfriend/girlfriend/sibling/friend/pet iguana will post this.
Variations include topics such as fighting cancer, national pride, and eternally mourning Michael Jackson.
What? Did Oprah come up with this idea as a way to immortalize her feel-good mind control after she's gone? And then people feel so pressured to re-post. Because let's face it, if you don't copy and paste someone's generic status about saving the whales, you are therefore a Nazi. It's like a gateway drug to shallow relationships. Are you going to tell your kids "Jeremy's mom told her son she was proud of him because she heard Dakota's father say the same thing to his daughter, so I guess I have to also tell you I'm proud of you." To the people who are tragic offenders of this, I say to you: this is a cop out way of professing your love. If you really love someone or care about a cause, you'd send them some chocolates (truffle variety with some caramels thrown in for good measure) or volunteer your time.Who is the Nazi now?
So, in conclusion, if you agree with this post, you will copy and paste it onto all your social networking sites to let everyone know. I'll know who my true readers are.
You're welcome.
This is day 12 of 30.
oh good topic! I hate those. I also think the "everyone change your picture to someone famous you look like or a cartoon you loved as a child" is silly.
haha amen!
Oh and I have enjoyed this series immensely by-the-way :) I am an avid reader :)
I've been missing my daily advice! Where are days 13, 14 and 15?! Love you!
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